2015 New Year's resolutions

Welcome to 2015
Hi, apologies for being quiet for so long! A very belated Happy New Year from all of us at ABSOLUTE 360.
I woke up this morning and thought “wow… where’s the time gone?” We have already reached the end of January. Christmas and New Year feel like a distant memory.
My last blog post was published back at the beginning of November 2014. One more blog post was scheduled to be written and published before Christmas. Events overtook me and I've been fully absorbed in the core of the business.
This blog post is long overdue! Welcome to my first blog post of 2015 – “2015 New Year’s resolutions”.
Like most people I have made my new year’s resolutions. Some are personal; some are to do with the business. One of my new year’s resolutions was to be more consistent with writing posts for the ABSOLUTE 360 blog. You might wonder why I made that into a new year’s resolution. The answer is quite simple. Just over a year ago, I started blogging for ABSOLUTE 360 to share with our visitors what the company was working on as well as useful information related to health, wellness and fitness. To my surprise I discovered I really enjoyed the process of researching topics and sharing my findings with our readers.
I must admit though, I feel I have already failed this resolution. Some of the topics that you will be reading about in this post had already been planned for the December post which means I am almost 6 weeks late!
It’s not an excuse but as the director of a small company I often find myself wearing many hats and being pulled in many directions. Sometimes certain things need to go on the back burner – blogging (unfortunately) had to be one of those things!
So many good things
2015 has started well and it is good to see all the hard work we put in last year is already reaping its benefits. I am not going to write about all the good things we have been working on – I would end up delivering a never ending essay! You are not going to get a list in the form of a “shopping list” either. Instead I will write about the major things we have been working on in the background that have been keeping us very busy.
New products update
In my last blog post I wrote about three new products which were going to be on our virtual shelves between the end of November and the New Year. The no-show socks and palm and wrist support were released as scheduled and the latter has proven to be very successful, exceeding all our expectations and projected sales.
Unfortunately, the calf and shin support has had a slight but welcome delay – during prototype testing we received great feedback from our product testers which allowed us to make further improvements. The calf sleeves will be part of the Body Support product range and it will be launched at the end of February. Although the launch is taking place six weeks later than planned, I am pleased to say, I believe we now have a truly wonderful product which will be able to compete against already established brands like CEP, Skins and Compressport.
For almost a year I have been working behind the scenes on the Team ABOLUTE 360 project. This project involved talking and introducing ABSOLUTE 360 and our far infrared clothing and apparel to top athletes and ask them if they wanted to become part of the ABSOLUTE 360 “family”.
I must admit I had a few rejections along the way, but most times I was met with genuine curiosity and a willingness to find out more about far infrared clothing. This allowed me to establish a very good dialogue with the athletes. The partnership that has been established goes beyond a simple sponsorship agreement.
These athletes have had the opportunity to test for themselves the benefits that our far infrared clothing and apparel bring to the body. They compete at the highest level and demand maximum performance from their clothing and equipment.
We are proud to call these athletes Team ABSOLUTE 360 and are delighted to support them with the best far infrared clothing and apparel on the market.
Michael Bradbury - GB AG Triathlete and Army Physical Training Instructor.
Arram Eghoyan - Strongman u90Kg Champion and WPF World Champion Powerlifter.
Lauren Winfield - Yorkshire and England cricket player.
Craig Pickering - Former Team GB Olympic sprinter and Team GB bobsleigh brakeman.
Lewis Jones - Cardiff Blues 1st Team Squad rugby player.
Your opinion matters to us. At ABSOLUTE 360 we are always taking steps to improve the service and products we provide to our customers. For this reason, we have taken the following actions.
We have upgraded our website to enable our customers to leave product feedback directly on the product page.
We have also partnered with the independent review site Trusted Shop where you can review your overall experience with ABSOLUTE 360.
If you have placed an order with us, we would be delighted if you could spare a few minutes of your time to share your experience with us and other customers.
Trusted Shop, being an independent review site needs to verify you as a customer which means you need to have your order number. You can find your order details by logging in to your account, if you have registered with us. Alternatively, you can contact us and we will happily reply with your order details.
To thank you for your time and for leaving a review, you will be sent a £5 discount code which you can use towards your next order.
Let’s finish off
Before I sign off I wanted to share another of my new year’s resolutions. I want to improve on my time management. If I succeed you will soon know because you will find more regular posts from me!
Have you made any new year’s resolutions? If so, have you managed to keep them up?